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Customer Testimonials

Their Hearts
Have Been Stolen

Customer testimonials over the last 17 years. who have become a part of our greater Young At Heart Family.
Many through the years have become repeat customers and have continued to add puppies to their family.

We sincerely appreciate each family and the love and care they have given to their Cotons through the years.

From Pam Byrd

Pennsylvania January 3, 2023 about Bennie

"Tom and Katie, This email is long overdo. First, Happy New Year. Wishing you both the very best in 2024...much love, happiness, good health and an abundance of joy! 'Bennie is just a sweetheart. He is so smart and so good. He is completely crate trained. He has slept through the night every night since he arrived to his forever home. He is almost potty trained. And, he is so snuggly and playful. He loves everyone and has a cousin, King Charles Cavalier, Holly, that he loves. They had a play date this afternoon so he is down for a nap as we speak:) :) :)
I am passing along some pics for you to see how comfortable he is in his new home. THANK YOU for breeding such a wonderful dog!


From Anna Filipino

October 20, 2022 about Maia

Hi Katie and Tom!  I hope this finds you well.  Just wanting to update you on Maia.  She has been a wonderful addition to our family, and even our Bella has opened up to playing and snuggling with her (typically she is not into this!).  We love her so much, and appreciate all that you do!


From Diane E. Goodridge

December 2023 about Bella

We love YA❤Cotons! Merry Christmas to you and your sweet, beautiful dogs!🎄And a Happy, Healthy 2024!🎉 (You should receive our card soon, mailed it Saturday 📬)❤


From Gary & Kathy Kuhne

October 2023 about Cricket & Beau

I can't imagine life without our little Kricket and our little Beau - they love to cavort and follow us around the house - thanks for being an important part of getting them into our lives!


From Victoria Vergera

New York, 2022 about Moo

This is Moo! Our Young at Heart's Coton!! We brought her home right in time for Christmas, and she's now 12 weeks old! We love her so much 💕 


From Abby Hunt

2022 about Jasper

We adore Jasper (Evan) with our whole hearts! We can't thank you enough for our precious boy.


From Donna Hosfeld

2018 about Lola

Even with her one “poodle leg” (spaying a few days ago), I gotta say, Lola is one dang good looking dog. She is my blessing. Thank you Katie and Tom for  bringing me this amazing dog. She’s so smart, hysterically funny, sweet, easy going, and adaptable to everything I do. I could not love her more. #LoveMyLola


From Marion Tarasuk

 Florida, September 28, 2019 about Asta.

Hi Tom and Katie. Thought you would enjoy this graduation picture from puppy school. Asta is sooo smart. He’s 6 months this past week and a delight……Everyone stops me to ask about him and I’ve given your info out many times. Best regards, Marion. 

Tom and Katie are absolutely delightful and we are so grateful to have received our beautiful precious Asta from them. You can tell they are caring, responsible breeders who love their puppies. They answered all of my questions and sent books and magazines to read. They kept me informed and shared photos and videos throughout the process. Our Asta is a sweet, happy, healthy, socialized puppy. I cannot recommend Young at Heart Cotons highly enough. Thank you Tom and Katie.


From Caitlan Burns

New Jersey, May 26, 2018 about Bailey

Much thanks to Caitlan Burns and her hubby for providing us the very special, precious picture of their Young at Heart dog Bailey! It was so touching to learn that Bailey was special enough to be included in your beautiful wedding pictures! We are happy that Bailey is truly a member of your family! Thanks for taking such great care of Bailey; congrats on your incredible wedding, and best wishes for many years of happiness, and blessings! Tom and Katie


From The Hardy Family

Dec 19, 2017 about Obi

Hi Katie and Tom. Just wanted to let you know how our Simba/Shalimar pup, Obi, is doing. He is one year old today, and we can hardly believe it. In the past months he has kept us laughing, hopping, running, and most of all cuddling. Obi is so smart, funny and sweet, he is my shadow for sure, and always by my side. We love him very much and cannot thank you enough for this sweet little puppy that has brought our family so much joy. We wish you a very Merry Christmas, and many blessings in the New Year! Love from, Obi and the Hardy family.


From Alex

Pennsylvania, September 13, 2016 about Bunny

Wanted to check in and let you know how amazing Bunny is! She is constantly smiling and gets stopped on the street everywhere she goes! She loves her bag, walks in the city, and lots of playing. Thanks for the most cherished thing in my world. Cheers, Alex


From Rob and Meredith Hines

July 22, 2015, about Sadie

Tom and Katie. As you may remember, Sadie (Aphrodite) turned 1 today!! The girls are loving having her as a companion. We thought we would check in and let you know she was doing great and we love having her as part of our family. She has played with McKenzie (Irene's pooch that she got from you) several times :) she is a little over 11lbs now! Hope all is well! Rob & Meredith Hine.


From Elliott Family

 Pennsylvania, June 20, 2014 about Nala

The Coton is perfect, and Nala brings so much joy on a daily basis. I give much credit for her socialization, health, temperament and intelligence to her breeding; and I highly recommend Young at Heart Cotons, if you are looking for a Coton de Tulear of your very own.Tom and Katie are wonderful!

From an earlier e mail of Rhonda Elliott, September 1, 2013, “Nala impressed our trainer from the very first when she was only 8 weeks old. Last week she gave you, and us too, the ultimate compliment. She works with many dogs and said she can tell that Nala has been very well bred and that she knows that the breeder is a good one who has done everything right! It really made me feel like we did a good job looking for a breeder until we found you. We looked at many Coton breeders and Young at Heart Cotons certainly met all of our needs! We couldn't be more pleased. Your love of the Coton breed shows clearly in the breeding you do. Nala came to us well socialized and a confident little puppy who bonded to us quickly. She came to us very healthy and our vet gave her a clean bill of health from day one. She's a joy and a very smart little girl! We can't thank you enough. We recommend Young at Heart Cotons to everyone we meet who oohs and has over our precious Nala... and, there are many she has enchanted


From Eric & Catherine Zuckerman's

 Maryland, May 16, 2014 about Zucco

Hi Katie and Tom, Hope you guys are doing well. Eric and I wanted to say hi and let you know that Zucco is great. He's happy, healthy, and full of energy and puppy kisses. Here's a recent picture of him in our backyard with his soccer ball, one of his all-time favorite toys. Best, Catherine.

Update about Zucco on June 2, 2014……Zucco is fearless and sweet all at once. He has never been afraid of loud noises or other people or animals, and he is really wonderful with kids. Sometimes we think he thinks children are just other dogs to him, or maybe that he thinks he is really a child. Either way, it’s adorable and super fun to watch him play. Thanks. Catherine.


From Lisa C

New Jersey • Jan 4, 2014 about Maximus

Hi Katie/Tom.....Max is adjusting quite well! ....He's such a lovely and pleasant puppy to have...My kids LOVE him. He doesn't have to try hard to get our attention.
We all fight for his! :) - Lisa


From Sluss Family

Pennsylvania, Dec 15, 2013 about Jazzy

We just wanted to give you an update and let you know what an incredible puppy you raised..... You have touched our hearts and blessed us with your most precious angel, and we promise that her life will be full of love, affection, and attention. You are such a special couple and our lives have been enriched beyond words....sending our love, Kathey Sluss


From Joseph Li Family

West Virgina • April 14, 2013 about Suba

Hi Tom, Just want to give you an update of Suba. He is doing great. He is incorporating into the family very well. Gumbo (the golden retriever) and Suba play all the time. Suba is fearless, he just keeps going at Gumbo, and Gumbo is being gentle with him. Subs goes to work with my wife Wing. She is an optometrist and a great number of her patients have met Suba. They all think Suba is thecutest puppy they've ever seen. A number of them asked where we got Suba, and we referred them to your website. So if you've got people from Morgantown asking about your puppies, you know who sent them.


From Steve & Diane Kiktavy

Ohio • December 10, 2012 about Lexi

Lexi is doing very well! She is so loving and fun! She really keeps me busy. Thank you again for a wonderful dog!


From the Saplalas

Pennsylvania, December 6, 2012 about Linus

Hi are you? We are well and very happy to share with you pictures of our sweet and adorable boy, LINUS! ..He is such a joy and we love his mild easy going yet playful temperament. Just a terrific fit for our family. He is so smart!! He passed this first puppy training class with flying colors and has been the darling of the trainer and his classmates. They are all so amazed with his happy and confident disposition .....everybody is his friend. He is AWESOME!! We're truly thrilled to have Linus around! He is a wonderful addition to our family and a real blessing!!! Thank you so very much for carefully raising beautiful and wonderful cotons!! God bless you and your family!!!


From Jennie Sortino

Pennsylvania, May 10, 2012 about Oscar

Hi Tom, our family wanted to let you know how happy we are with our adorable little Oscar. He has quickly won over all of our hearts……….we cherish every bit of it.   My daughters, Olivia and Sarah, have taught him to sit, paw, lay down, roll over, jump, and spin.  He is such a quick learner, but getting him to stay out of the mulch is another story.  We've taken him to the beach twice and he LOVES it. He is fabulous in his crate at night and will go in his crate (with minor coaxing) when we tell him to.  We love how relatively quiet he is.  Not a big barker except for when he is excited and sees new people.  We want to thank you again for providing us with such a great puppy.  We are so proud to be owners of this beautiful Coton and love to share information with people who ask about his breed.  I will be sure to share your information with others and thank you again for being such fantastic breeders.


From Lourdes

Virginia, April 30, 2012 about Luna

Hello Katie and Tom,….Luna is doing great !!! she likes her create and warm bed, …..even though, we bought some toys for Luna, her favorite ones are the ones you brought her, the duck and the keys.  The girls are enjoying every second with Luna and we are very happy to have her with us, she always brings a smile to our face. Luna has also been the center of attention and everyone is in love with her; she is so cute, that our friends, neighbors, coworkers and kids/teachers at the school want to see her. Have a good day, Lourdes.


From Heike Brazieh

New York, March 15, 2012 about Kaja

Greetings…..Kaja is a wonderful little pup! I could spend all day playing and snuggling with her-but I do have to share her with my boys! You should see her darting to the door when she hears the boys coming home from school! It seems like she is very happy here- we are absolutely in love with her! Thank you for answering all those questions, and thank you for letting us have one of your terrific puppies! Warmly, Heike.


From Joe Padovano

North Carolina, January 26, 2012, about Remy

Tom, just wanted to give you an update on Remy; he is doing great.. ..He just finished his training class and received his diploma. Everyone who sees him says he is the cutest dog they have ever seen. He is such a joy.


From Trish Pagoda

New Jersey, November 21, 2011 about Toby

Toby is doing great, 12 1/2 lbs and a big cuddle bug. He doesn't leave my side. He has brought so much joy to our lives, thank you and I hope you and your family have a beautiful Thanksgiving.


From Kolenik Family

 New York, November 14, 2011 about Ginger

Hi Tom : Not sure what you fed Ginger but she is the fastest little pup we have ever seen ! She runs around the yard at breakneck speed and plays and plays with the kids. Our 105 lb Lab Sam - short for Samantha and Ginger are best of friends. They lay next to each other and sleep whenever the kids leave them alone. They bring her outside to play and go potty. Big mistake!   We try to catch her, but it’s impossible.   It's really, really great. I'll keep you updated. All the best ... Paul”…and from Paul’s daughter Anne on 11/9/11, “Hi Tom, this is Ann Spadolini, Paul Kolenik’s daughter.  I wanted to tell you how happy we are with Ginger. She is a wonderful puppy…and is doing great.  She is so full of energy…playful and sweet.  She makes us happy everyday….Thank you for a great dog.


From Suzanne Boyle

Maryland, November 14, 2011 about Sydney

Hi Katie and Tom, It's hard to believe that yesterday we celebrated a year since Sydney joined our family! She's more precious to us than ever! She embraces life every day but has the wonderful sense to be happily snuggled in bed until it's actually time to start the day (and then only after a morning tummy massage and some luxurious stretching)!   Her favorite pastime this fall has been to catch leaves as they're falling. She's so quick that it's impossible to take a little video. She watches intently as these little gifts from the sky come floating down--waiting til the perfect moment to leap up and snag the leaf in mid-air. She's so strong and athletic and just delightful to any person or dog she meets. She happily cuddles in to watch a football game but is always ready to play (or "work"). Sydney's just such a happy little girl, and she's always loving and playful. She really seems to thoroughly enjoy life and we feel so blessed to have her!  Best regards, Suzanne.” 


From The Fodors

California, November 6, 2011 about Alfie

Hey Tom, hope you are doing well. Today is Alfie's 1st birthday, I thought I'd send you a picture or two and a short update. We've moved out to California, and Alfie is loving it out here. We take him for free runs on the beach on most weekends and he has an entire yard to himself now. Quite the life :) He is always the center of attention and is a great dog …Hope you and Katie are doing well!”


From The McCreesh Family

New Jersey, October 14, 2011 about Darla

Hello!!! This is the McCreesh family saying hi! We wanted to show you guys Darla at 2 and a half years old.. we love her so much! This picture is from this past summer at our beach house in Mantoloking, she loves the beach!... She still LOVES playing with her toys and is our little watch dog. Her bark is very frightening and when people hear it they run away . . .  just kidding, it’s quite a wimpy bark! Her best friend is our mom, Cheryl, she doesn't leave her side, especially in the kitchen! Our dad loves to roughhouse with her and play with her and tease her all the time. Her favorite food is eggs, whenever she smells eggs she just goes crazy and starts spinning in circles and jumping around. She has a beanbag that she loves very much, and loves sitting at the top of a couch above everyone else (very cat-like). She is our little baby and we love her to pieces!! Thank you soo much!!..Nicole, Daniel, Kelly, and Gracie.


From The Prince Family

Pennsylvania, August 30, 2011 about Jazzy

Hi, Tom.....wanted to let you know that Jazmine is doing well. She is a sweetheart, and all the kids in the neighborhood love her. Thanks, Josh & Vanessa Prince.


From The Ege Family

 New Jersey, August 13, 2011 about Mangia

Tom, hello from New Jersey.  Ali and I wanted to write and update you on our lovely puppy Mangia (aka Mr. Big).  We just celebrated Mangia's 6 month birthday, and we are so happy we had the opportunity to bring him into our family.  He's staying true to his roots, as he as grown to be just over 10 pounds.  He passed his puppy training classes with flying colors, and the trainer was floored by his ability to learn.  Probably the greatest thing about Mangia, though, is his temperament, as he is one of the friendliest dogs you could ever meet.  Take him to the dog park, and after a quick hello to the other dogs, he's off to meet the other dog owners sitting on the benches. Hope all is well! Rich, Ali, Anthony & Mangia


From The Younis Family

West Virginia February 16, 2011 about George and Momo

Dear Tom and Katie,
George and Momo are two years old! Having two Cotons has been a wonderful experience for all of us. They are loving, friendly, and sweet to everyone. Everyone comments on how calm and friendly they are...we always tell them we got them from you. Thank you for raising such healthy and happy puppies.
It has been terrific having two Cotons. They are very close to each other and keep each other company. Their personalities are very different--George seems content to lie on the floor--almost like he gets overheated easily and wants to be cool. Momo has found her spot on our sunroom sofa and often naps on her back with her paws in the air. Neither are skittish about noises. They don't bark when the doorbell rings. They allow the vacuum hose to drag them across the floor because they are not bothered by it at all. Since they sleep in the laundry room, that noise is welcomed. And we have been using the blow dryer on them after their baths, and they seem to love the warmth. We give them lots of reward treats-mostly for coming when we call them. They love cut up carrots and an occasional bite of banana. Primarily, they eat dry dog food. It sounds like they are perfect and they ARE! Other than the endless brushing of their fluffiness--WE LOVE THEM! We will continue to keep you posted on their progress. Here is the picture I took for our Xmas card. Hope you all are well and spring is just around the corner. Please keep in touch. All the best, The Younis Family (John, Lisa, Jack and Avery, George and Momo).


From The Weisman Family

Pennsylvania January 4, 2011 about Meeko

Hi Tom. Meeko, is doing very well. He sleeps almost through the night in his crate and is going outside regularly... The kids are crazy about him...MEEKO went to the vet yesterday and got a check-plus. All is good, which I am sure is no surprise to you. We love him; he really is terrific. This is working out very well. You were a pleasure to deal with, and I would be happy to serve as a reference ... Best wishes.


From The Sokoloski Family

Pennsylvania, December 26, 2010 about Stormy

Hope all is well with everybody.  Stormy is doing fantastic and we just love this dog so much. We will never consider any other type of dog.  Coton’s have the best personality we have ever known. Lisa, Alex, and Stormy


From The Borroni Family

Maryland, October 10, 2010, about Juliette

I am sending some new pictures of Juliette: we took her to a puppy class to teach the basic commands, even though I think most of them there were so simple for her: she is so smart! She loves to stay near us all the time, she follows me everywhere I go and when I need to go to the bathroom she just sits outside and waits for me and that behavior started even before I was teaching the stay command. She has a special bond with me, for which my daughter is jealous but that is because we spend the all day together. I take her with me when I drop my daughter to school in the car and she knows right away when it is time to get in the car and be ready for the ride. She has her routine and she knows what's coming next, she is just phenomenal. Thanks again.


From The Wheeler Family

New Jersey, July 3, 2010 about Delilah

Hello Tom and Katie, hope all is well with your family and Cotons. Delilah (originally Ruby) is now nearly a full 1 1/2 years old and weighs only 8 lbs. and there is still a hint of champagne coloring on her ears. She has grown up to be the most delightful dog I have ever had the pleasure of meeting. She loves to play with children even more than adults and is amazingly gentle. She listens very well to commands and at only six months graduated puppy kindergarten without a single problem. From there I have continued her training at home and she now has a small variety of tricks to show off. She is friendly with other dogs and very gentle with puppies (she plays with a 3 month old Maltese puppy that lives next door). Every night she cuddles up on the foot of my bed and waits there until I wake up, even when she is ready to start her day before me. She has been a wonderful addition to this family and we are so glad to have found Young at Heart Cotons in time to meet her. Thanks again, Lauren Wheeler


From The Cypher Family

Pennsylvania, June 11, 2010 about Dremmel

Hi Tom, hope all is well. Dremmel is 8 lbs now and doing well. He is very attached to me he has all of his shots now and is doing good he knows sit, down and stay, he is really smart!! We just love him!! -Lisa


From The Hines Family

 New Jersey, December 13, 2009 about Mackenzie

Tom and Katie, Mackenzie is so wonderful! She is happy and playful. We are having so much fun. She is so well adjusted!  I wanted to thank you for the goodie bag for her. We appreciate it! Most of all we want to thank you for letting us adopt this wonderful puppy! We are all in love with her from a later e mail October 5, 2010, “hope all is well with you all. I wanted to share some new pictures tell you that Mackenzie is doing so great! She is wonderful and we love her so much! Everyone loves her no matter who she meets. She is a doll!  Take care, Irene


From Michelle Zotynia

Netcong, NJ, August 13, 2009, about Buddy

Dear Tom and Katie. Thanks to Young At Heart Cotons, my family's dream of finding the perfect puppy has come true!  When we found your website, we were immediately smitten by the pictures and videos in your gallery.  Your educational information about Cotons confirmed that this breed was the perfect fit for our family.  We knew that we had found something... "special"  Your kind and prompt response to our inquiry regarding upcoming litters made us very excited.  When Asia's pups were born, one look was all it took... and "Buddy" was ours.  Every week, you posted new pictures and updates on Buddy's progress.  For the first time and to our surprise, we fell "in love" over the internet!  Yours and Katie's love and tender care of the pups was clearly evident.  The pups were thriving, healthy, happy and always clean.  The joy which emanated from your pictures and videos touched our hearts and made the wait for Buddy easier.  We knew he was being cared for and given the very best start possible by people who just adore what they're doing.  Young At Heart Cotons was appropriately named.  Now, more than ever in these challenging times, people want to feel young at heart, happy, and loved.  On behalf of everyone who is lucky enough to have found Young At Heart Cotons, I praise and congratulate you for not only a job superbly done... but also for spreading the light of goodness and love to those who need it.  Michelle Zotynia, Netcong, NJ
Buddy's Doing Great. Hi Tom! Wow! …… He has bonded with us all so quickly, I really can't believe it. Everyone who meets him, wants him for their own. He LOVES everybody! I find myself explaining the breed, first of all ... as most people haven't heard of Cotons ...then referring them to your website. He really is a dream puppy. Most of the time, he is a complete ANGEL..
We just love him so much……Thank you again, take good care. Michelle


From Teresa & John Gallo

New Jersey, August 3, 2009 about Ginger

Hi Tom and Kate, We are great! Yesterday we just celebrated Ginger's one year anniversary for day we brought her home.  I can't say enough about how much we adore her.  She is so much fun to have around. We couldn't have hoped for  a more clever, loving and joyful dog! Everyone she meets she loves and they love her!! We are so happy with our decision to get a Coton from you!  Our cats are OK too, they just try to ignore her for the most part although Ginger just loves them. She is bit of cat stalker, she likes to follow them around the house always trying to cozy up with them every chance she gets. Thanks for the offer to stop by, if we are ever in your area we be sure will stop by to say Hi! Thanks again, Teresa and John.


From The Rooney Family

Virginia, May 17, 2009 about Bella

Hi Tom and Katie! We just simply adore Bella! She is a wonderful puppy! She appears to be very happy in the Rooney household. She is a very smart dog; hasn't had an accident in the house today and loves to play fetch with a mini tennis ball. (Did you all teach her that already?)Bella slept through the night with just a little whining initially, until about 5:40 am. Loves her new crate and toys...everything accept her new collar! We are so happy with our new addition to the Rooney Clan Best, Tim, Cherie, Shannon, and Connor Thanks!


From The Grassmyer Family

Pennsylvania June 12, 2009 about Ruby Bea

Ruby is the "talk of the town". People we don't even know stop in the middle of the street to tell us how beautiful she is. Everywhere we go people know her by name. Even the secretary at my doctor's office asked if we were the owners of the adorable white fluff ball on Center Street that everyone talks about...ha-ha!! We have recommended Young at Heart Cotons to all that have shown interest in adopting a Coton. Ruby has fit into our family perfectly. Ruby and our 4 year old have become best of friends, they can't wait to run around and play together. She has been doing an excellent job at house training, she now barks at the door when she has to go! We use to kennel her beside our bed at night, well now she sleeps right between us...ha-ha! Ruby has lots of toys but still loves to steal socks and toilet paper the house...ha-ha! She has made friends with our guinea pigs, I have even caught them kissing. Ruby is great on car rides. We took her on vacation 2 1/2 hours away and it was great. Ruby goes everywhere with us, this month we go to Knobels for my son's daycare picnic.........we are just so happy with Ruby (aka Rue, Ruber, Ruby Girl). She is a real joy and blessing in our lives! Thank you! Chad, Angela, Chase and Ruby Grassmyer


From Lisa Sokoloski

Pennsylvania August 1, 2009 about Stormy

Hope all is well and Stormy is doing fantastic. Attached pictures hopefully shows you how happy Alek and Stormy are.


From Melody Lessor

PA and NYC, June 29, 2009, about Sophie

Tom and Katie, Hope this email finds you both well. Sophie continues to amaze, amuse and enthrall us. She is so smart, lovable, funny - I'm a writer and I don't even have the words to describe how fabulous she is. This is her third time in NY and she has taken the city by storm. People stop us to ask what she is, to pet her, to find out more information about her. Everyone she meets declares her to be the most beautiful and smartest puppy they've ever seen - even if they're walking their own dog! Sophie is doing well in both obedience and socialization class. She has actually graduated from socialization class but she likes it so much, we might continue going for a little while. She was groomed this past Thursday and looks beautiful. She is so gorgeous. It is very apparent that Sophie was bred to love people. She gets so excited and wiggles and wriggles her little body whenever she meets someone new. She is drawn to children and babies - I don't know how she knows them. It had rained in NY yesterday and, while walking, I'd lift her up a little at each corner as there were puddles. I'd say, "Jump the puddle," in a singsongy voice and lift her up with the harness. After the second time, Sophie jumped the puddles all by herself. It was the funniest thing to see how high she'd jump and to watch her sail over the puddles. Sophie loves being at home with us. It doesn't matter what we do, where we take her, or if we do nothing at all, Sophie is happy when she's with us. She gives us so much pleasure, I can't even describe it. Charlie will occasionally look at her and ask, "Do you think she likes us and is happy we're her parents?" That's kind of sweet, right? I always answer yes, because it's so apparent that she loves us. When I first read about the breed I said to Charlie, "No dog could possibly be this amazing. I'll be happy if our puppy is one third as amazing as the dogs I'm reading about. Well, Sophie embodies all the wonderful characteristics I read about and so much more. We love her beyond description. Even her pictures makes me smile. Thank you so much for giving her a wonderful entree into the world. Fondly, Melody


From Michelle & Wayne

New Jersey, August 10, 2009 about Gabriella

Tom and Katie.....we are totally in love with our Coton Gabriella. She is an extremely sweet and loving dog. We have not had any problems with her health wise or socially. I take her on a 4 mile walk with me every day and she loves every minute of it. She also loves the beach and for the first time a couple of days ago she jumped in the ocean! She is also a world class snuggler and my best friend. Michelle and Wayne Lowe


From The Younis Family

West Virginaia, August 3, 2009, about George and Momo

Dear Tom and Katie, We love George and Momo. Because there are two of them, they have each other, as well as the rest of the family. They still are very friendly and respond well to a few commands--Sit. Stay and Drop it. As I said before, we just love them. They love us. They have a couple of friends--a long haired Chihuahua and a Yorkie who come by and play about every couple of weeks. Kids love them and they get a ton of petting, playing and exercise--we still walk EVERY day 2-3miles. It makes a huge difference in their demeanor. I hope all is well with you and your doggies. I will continue to send you updates. Many thanks. Sincerely, Lisa Younis


From  Sandra Fairman

Coral Gables Florida, July 8 2009 about Mikey

Dear Tom and Family.  Finally, I am sending the pictures of Michaelangelo aka “Mikey” that I promised to you. He is a joy! We love, love, love him. He is a character, too. He is full of energy and very affectionate. He loves to fetch. He actually sleeps with his arm around his stuffed toy poodle. Feel comfort in knowing he is a very happy pampered pup. Sincerely, Sandra Fairman.

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